June 2020 Library News & Events
All programs are free of charge unless noted otherwise. Learn more at friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
Online Resources at BPL.org
There are many ways to use the Boston Public Library while it is closed. You can sign up for a BPL library card at bpl.org/get-a-library-card to get an eCard. The eCard provides access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, newspapers, magazines, journals, databases, and other online resources, including OverDrive, Kanopy, and Hoopla. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to access these resources and then log in to bpl.org with your eCard or physical library card. Send your questions to ask@bpl.org.
A note on borrowed and donated books: The BPL is unable to have patrons return borrowed books at this time. Please don't return them at any dropoff boxes at any of the branch libraries until the library system reopens. The BPL is waiving all late fines for all materials until at least June 30. Also, don't leave any donated books on the ground outside any branch libraries. Instead, please leave your gently-used donated books in any little library in the Roslindale Community Library Network.
Summer Reading kickoff concerts with 123 Andrés!
Help us kick off our Summer Reading Program with Latin Grammy-winning 123 Andrés in an online concert for kids and families! Get ready to learn or practice your Spanish and to sing, jump, and dance in this high-energy, interactive show. 123 Andrés gets families moving and singing. Learning has never been so fun! This program will be available to view on the BPL's YouTube page by using the links below to access the live performance:
Monday, June 8, 10 AM: https://youtu.be/fqJUQStVRyI
Friday, June 12, 10 AM: https://youtu.be/Xt-gmKlr2CQ
More to Love at the Main Library Virtual Tour
Wednesday, June 10, 7 PM
The McKim Building of the Boston Public Library opened 125 years ago this winter and is something many people enjoyed before COVID-19. This virtual tour will highlight the details that are harder to capture while walking through -- design precedents from Europe and historic images of rooms. The tour will be led by Alice Brown, an urban planner who works primarily on transportation and parks, currently serving as the director of planning at Boston Harbor Now. She has channeled her love of Boston and her previous experience as a teacher into giving tours -- with Boston by Foot, of the Boston Public Library, and of the city's alleyways. RSVP for the tour by emailing lgang2@comcast.net.
Adult Book Discussion: Another Brooklyn
Thursday, June 18, 1:30 PM
Our book discussion group will join readers from the Parker Hill branch library this month on Zoom. Becky will email the Zoom link to current book group members. If you are a newcomer, please contact Becky at rmanos@bpl.org for the Zoom link. We will be discussing Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson. The ebook is available on Hoopla through bpl.org and online bookstores, including Rozzie Bound.
Living Voices Network Discussion
Tuesday, June 23, 1:30 PM
Roslindale and Jamaica Plain residents are invited to participate in a Living Voices Network Discussion with Roslindale Branch librarian Becky Manos and Jamaica Plain Branch librarian Laura Pattison. Please contact Becky at rmanos@bpl.org for more information or for instructions on how to join. The topic for June will be COVID-19 and reopening. For more information about Living Voices Network, visit www.lvn.org Limited to five Roslindale participants.
New Virtual Storytimes!
Our children's librarian Celeste Bocchicchio-Chaudhri will now be using Zoom instead of Facebook Live for her online storytimes. This will allow for more interaction which brings us closer to the regular storytime experience. She will be having her weekly Bouncing Babies on Fridays at 11 AM and Preschool Storytime at 4:30 PM on Tuesdays. Please register at the Boston Public Library's website with an email address to get the Zoom link sent to you. Register for Bouncing Babies here and Preschool Storytime here.
KidLit Pride at Home
June 21 & 22
A global online gathering of LGBTQ+ creators of children’s books. Their goal is to provide connection, community, and support during the pandemic. Go to kidlitpride.com.
At Home Boston
Do you have a story to tell about these unprecedented times? We want to hear about it. The Boston Book Festival, in partnership with the Boston Globe, is collecting micro-essays of 200 words or less to weave together a community portrait of life during the lockdown. We would like to hear from people from every corner of the city -- frontline workers, homeschooling parents, soon-to-be graduates, and grandparents in isolation. "We hope to feature stories of kindness and inspiration as well as those of struggle and sacrifice," says Norah Piehl, Boston Book Festival's executive director. "Our goal is to create an important archive of this challenging time in the city." We will be welcoming and sharing submissions on an ongoing basis until June 30. Learn more about At Home Boston at bostonbookfest.org/at-home-boston.
Learn a language for free with Mango!
As part of its Public Library Community Outreach Initiative, Mango Languages is offering free language learning until June 30. Go to mangolanguages.com.
Online Homework Help
The BPL has moved the homework help program online! Online Homework Help is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Open to students in grades K-8 with no registration required. There is a limit of 15 students logged in at one time. Go to uberconference.com/bplhomeworkhelp.
BPS Chromebook and Hotspot Access
Boston Public Schools has distributed more than 30,000 Chromebooks to BPS students since schools closed. Access to adequate technology is essential for our students to keep up with their home learning. If your child is still in need of a Chromebook, visit bostonpublicschools.org/laptop to request one, or have them reach out to their school if they need a mobile hotspot.
Online Spanish Conversation Group
This group is currently at capacity and can't accept any new participants right now. We will reopen for new participants soon.
Remote Resources for Families and Youth
The children’s librarians across the BPL have been working hard to compile information and resources for families with children at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Remote Resources for Families and Youth libguide includes tips for talking to kids about Covid-19, lists of ebooks for children and teens available through the BPL, DIY storytimes, links to special read aloud and draw along with children’s authors and illustrators, and more. The DIY storytimes include links to YouTube videos of favorite storytime songs as well as links to specific picture book ebooks to check out from the library. The guide will continue to grow so check back frequently!
Ebooks for kids ready for chapter books
Celeste created a booklist of chapter books available as ebooks through the library. These books are great for second and third graders who are starting to read chapter books independently, but also make a fun read-aloud for the whole family.
Library Celeste YouTube Channel
Celeste has also created a personal YouTube channel for recording favorite storytime songs and activities. This is a side project, not part of her official work with the Boston Public Library and the channel is not affiliated with the BPL. However, she thought some of you might be interested in checking out Library Celeste!
Facebook Updates
Becky will be posting on Roslindale Branch Library Facebook Page to give you links to some fun and/or informative options available online through the BPL website. Please check the site and "like" us to keep updated. You will need to access the BPL.org website with your library card and pin or sign up for an online ecard to experience many of the options.
Send Us Your Recommendations!
Since many of you are social distancing at home, you may have found more time for reading or using the many free online resources offered on bpl.org. Send us your recommendations for any books you are reading or online resources you are using. Maybe you are reading a book you found in one of our little libraries around Roslindale, or you watched a great movie on Kanopy, or learning a new language on Mango, or read an international newspaper on Press Reader, or acquiring a new skill through the BPL's Lynda.com portal. You can either send us a list of what you are reading/using, write a short review, or send us a picture of what you are reading at roslindalelibraryfriends@gmail.com. We will post them in the next newsletter and on our website.
Online Resource Highlight: Boston TV News Digital Library
The Boston TV News Digital Library is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Council on Library and Information Resources. This collaboration between the Boston Public Library, Cambridge Community Television, Northeast Historic Film, and WGBH Educational Foundation aims to bring to life local news stories produced in and about Boston from the early 1960s to 2000. They created an online catalog of news content from Boston Public Library’s WHDH film collection (1960- mid-1970s), Cambridge Community Television (1988 to 1999), Northeast Historic Film’s WCVB film collection (1970-1979), and WGBH-produced The Reporters (1970-1973), Evening Compass (1973-1975) and the Ten O’Clock News. That's almost 50,000 records.
Go to: bostonlocaltv.org
Amazon Shopping with the Friends!
If you are doing more Amazon shopping during the lockdown, please consider registering with our Friends' AmazonSmile account. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the Friends receive 0.5 percent of the purchase price year-round. There is no additional cost to the Friends or to AmazonSmile customers. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for donation” on their product detail pages. The shopping experience is identical to Amazon.com with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate that percentage to the Friends! The percentage might seem minuscule, but this adds up if you are a regular Amazon customer who makes purchases several times a week or month. Of course, if you just want to donate directly to the Friends, you can do so on our donation page or become a Friends member. Every dollar and cent counts!
Do Your Census!
The U.S. Census Bureau has extended the 2020 Census deadline in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic to October 31. The U.S. Census Bureau is urging residents to complete the Census online or over the phone to lessen the need for in-person, door-to-door outreach while the country grapples with the coronavirus outbreak. It’s available in 13 languages at my2020census.gov or by calling (844) 330-2020. Additional toll-free numbers in other languages can be found online. If you already received a mailer, it contains a Census ID number you can use to log in online, which the Census Bureau recommends as the fastest method. You can still respond online even if you haven’t received the number or lost it. It takes only ten minutes to do and can be done while social distancing at home! The Census not only supports community resources you depend on like the public library but also public health initiatives and regulations.
Books of the Month
Each month we feature themed booklists grouped for adults, teenagers/young adults, and children, and can be borrowed as an ebook from bpl.org!
Books about Fatherhood
In honor of Father’s Day, we have compiled a list of books about our relationships with our dads!
Books about LGBT Pride
June is LGBT Pride Month. Here is a list of books by LGBT authors and/or about the LGBT experience.
Books about Fashion
Are you interested in the fashion industry? Would you like to learn more about the lives of fashion greats? Are you looking to brush up on some fashion fundamentals to upgrade your image? We've got you covered with these popular fashion resources.
Words of Wisdom
“May your life be filled, as mine has been, with love and laughter; and remember, when things are rough all you need is ... Chocolate.” ― Geraldine Solon, Chocolicious
Sharing is Caring
The best way to know about upcoming offsite Roslindale library programs, special events, news, and renovation updates is to stay on this email list, like our Facebook page and regularly visit friendsofroslindalelibrary.org and bpl.org. If you know anyone who would like to join our email list, please tell them to sign up on our website's homepage at friendsofroslindalelibrary.org. We would also appreciate it if you forward our emails and share and like our Facebook posts with your networks to help get the word out.
Support the Friends!
We are a volunteer-run organization. All the work we do for library programming, publicity, and building improvements is done with support from the community. There are many ways to support the Friends, like donating, becoming a Friends member and even shopping on Amazon!
Contact the Friends
For information about the Friends, contact us. We also share information about upcoming events, photos from past events and other library news on Facebook and on our blog!
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