June 2018 Library News & Events
All programs take place at the Roslindale Branch Library and are free of charge unless noted otherwise. Call the branch at 617-323-2343 for more information. Learn more at friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
All programs take place at the Roslindale Branch Library and are free of charge unless noted otherwise. Call the branch at 617-323-2343 for more inforRoslindale Village Farmers Market Book Sales
Saturday, June 9, 9 am - 1:30 pm, Adams Park
We will also sell books at the farmers market on July 14, August 18, and September 29! We will have a good mix of fiction and non-fiction for adults, teens, and kids! The Friends are no longer accepting used book donations because we will not have a place to store them when the building closes for renovations. If you know of programs or organizations that would like to receive some of our books, please email us at info@friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
Podcast Discussion: Seeing White
Saturdays, June 9, 23 & 30
9:15 - 11 am
In a three-part discussion series about Seeing White ("a documentary podcast exploring whiteness in America"), we will take a different kind of look at race and ethnicity, by looking directly at white people and whiteness. White supremacy is in the DNA of the United States, white people dominate American institutions to this day, and yet whiteness often remains unmarked and unnamed. The premise of this series is that the American conversation about race, and the stories we tell ourselves about race and ethnicity, are deeply incomplete and often misleading. We need new stories and new understandings, about our history and our current racial and ethnic reality. Co-sponsored with Roslindale is for Everyone (RISE).
Syllabus - Please listen to the following podcast episodes before each discussion date at podcast.cdsporch.org/seeing-white
June 9 - Parts 1-5
June 23 - Parts 6-10
June 30 - Parts 11-14
Talk and Walk with GirlTrek
Saturday, June 16, 10 - 11:30 am
Menino Community Center, 125 Brookway Rd, Roslindale
Learn how GirlTrek is creating a national movement to transform the health of black women and girls by walking. Hear from local GirlTrek leader, Nicole Chandler, on getting connected locally. After the talk, stay for a 45-minute walk around Roslindale to jumpstart your journey. Water will be provided and a raffle for GirlTrek souvenirs. Chandler has been involved with GirlTrek since 2015 and is one of the founding members of the Boston chapter. She has led walks and hikes in Dorchester, Roxbury, and the Blue Hills. She lives in Dorchester. This event is co-sponsored by GirlTrek and Boston Centers for Youth and Families. Learn more at girltrek.org
Boston Reads One Million Reads
June 1 – August 31
Boston Public Library is challenging the city to read one million minutes this summer.
Read – Books, poetry, magazines, news – it all counts. You can even listen to audiobooks, story times, or author readings.
Report – Report your minutes read each week here or at any BPL location. Attend a read-in at the BPL to make your minutes count double!
Recommend – Follow Boston’s progress in reaching one million minutes, encourage friends and family to join, and tell us what you’re reading on social media with #BostonReads2018 and learn more at www.bpl.org/bostonreads
Read Your Way To Fenway
Starting June 1
Boston Public Library’s annual Read Your Way to Fenway summer reading contest is underway, in which children and teens ages 5-17 read a minimum of three books for a chance to win tickets to watch the Red Sox play at Fenway Park on Sunday, August 19. Essays are due to any BPL location on August 1. Winners, accompanied to the game by a parent or guardian, receive three Red Sox tickets and a Red Sox t-shirt, hat, backpack, and vouchers for food at Fenway Park. Read Your Way to Fenway is generously sponsored by John Hancock, the Red Sox Foundation, and the Boston Public Library.
BPL's New Website
Speaking of the BPL, it is about the launch a brand-new website! They are asking the public give them feedback on the test site, which is bpl.bibliocms.com.
Rozzie Reads Poetry Discussion
Tuesday, June 5, 7 pm, Roslindale House
Led by Dorothy Derifield. All are welcome. We'll be discussing the Common Threads poems which can be downloaded from the MA Poetry website. (Copies will be available). http://www.
Eastern MA Girl Scouts Registration
Thursday, June 14, 4:30-6 pm
and Saturday, June 16, 11 am-1 pm
They will have registration at the library
Knit/Crochet Circle
Wednesdays, 1:30-3 pm
Come to the library to craft and have pleasant conversation with your neighbors in this weekly drop-in social group. All levels of skill are welcome.
Sonia Chang-Diaz Office Hours
Wednesday, June 20, 5-6 pm
Escarolyn Garcia, Bilingual Senior Assistant from the office of Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, will be holding office hours at the library. Please feel free to come talk with her. (The library closes at 6 p.m. so come early!)
Adult Book Discussion
Thursday, June 21, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
We will be discussing Dark Tide: The Great Molasses Flood of 1919 by Stephen Puleo. Refreshments will be served and newcomers are always welcome. Copies of the book are available at the circulation desk.
TSA Boston Logan Airport Recruitment and Information Session
Thursday, June 28, 5:45-7:45 pm
Special Exhibit: "Fragments from Mali"
The exhibit on display at our library is full of images and objects from Mali, West Africa. Myrna Balk and Gail Bos both have visited Mali and they wanted to share some of their experience with our Roslindale neighbors.
Kids Summer Library Preview
Monday, July 2, 2:00 pm - "Science Magic" Museum of Science Traveling Program
Tuesday, July 3 10:30-11:30 am - Kids Summer Reading Club begins
Friday, August 17 10:30 a.m.-12 pm - Countdown to Kindergarten Celebration
Weekly Children's Programming
Preschool Movies
Mondays, 10:30 am
Toddler Time
Tuesdays, 10:30 am
Library Creative Drama
Tuesdays, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Thursdays, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Weekly Adult Programming
English Conversation Group
Thursdays, 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Spanish Conversation Group
Saturdays, 11 am - 12 pm
Annual Book Sale Success!
Thanks to everyone who came out for our Annual Book Sale last month! We made over $2,500, which will go towards future library programming.
Join the Friends Race and Inclusion Committee!
We have heard how much you appreciate the programming we have been offering including the Globe Spotlight Team discussion, Rev. Irene Monroe’s presentation on language, and our book discussions. We also have created book lists and reviews. Our programming will not stop once the library building closes and we have more ideas about celebrating and uniting our community. If you are interested in helping to plan and produce educational events, discussions, and presentations related to race, ethnicity, religion, and culture with us, email info@friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
Read a Book, Suggest a Book, Review a Book
We maintain a wide variety of topical books in our race and inclusion mega reading list for adults, teens/young adults, and children. We also welcome any book suggestions, especially ones for teens and children, to add to this mega list, which is mostly comprised of titles recommended by community members like you! This book list is meant to be a community resource that encourages thoughtful conversation, education, and respect for diversity. Also, if you read any of the books listed and want to write a review, let us know. We will consider review submissions for publication in our newsletter and website. Send your book suggestions and reviews to info@friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for volunteers for a number of Friends' and library programming, including new members for our decoration, renovation, and race and inclusion committees. Please view the job descriptions on VolunteerMatch. If you are interested in any of the positions, contact us at info@friendsofroslindalelibrary.org.
Books of the Month
Each month we feature themed booklists grouped for adults, teenagers/young adults, and children, and can be borrowed from the Roslindale Library!
Books about Father's Day
Here is a list of books dedicated to all of our great dads!
Books about LGBT Pride
June is LGBT Pride Month. The following booklist features books either by prominent LGBT authors and/or about the LGBT experience.
Words of Wisdom
“To tell the truth is to become beautiful, to begin to love yourself, value yourself. And that's political, in its most profound way." - June Jordan
Support the Friends!
We are a volunteer-run organization. All the work we do for library programming, publicity, and building improvements is done with support from the community. There are many ways to support the Friends, like donating, becoming a Friends member and even shopping on Amazon!
Contact the Friends
For information about the Friends, contact us. We also share information about upcoming events, photos from past events and other library news on Facebook and on our blog!
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