Unless noted otherwise, all programs are free of charge and in person at the Roslindale Branch. Learn more at friendsofroslindalelibrary.org. The library will be closed on January 2 and 16 in observance of New Year's Day and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day, respectively.
Roslindale Branch Is Open!
Branch Hours
The Roslindale Branch is open Mondays - Wednesdays 10 AM - 6 PM; Thursdays 12 PM - 8 PM; Fridays 9 AM - 5 PM; and Saturdays 9 AM - 2 PM.
BPL Library Protocols
All branches follow the latest city and state public health guidance. While there will be no capacity limits or social distancing required, library patrons are recommended to wear masks since the library serves vulnerable populations. For more information, see https://www.bpl.org/news/health-and-safety-guidelines/.
BPL COVID-19 Resources
Are you looking for reliable information about COVID vaccines? The City of Boston has put together a resource guide to help answer your questions.
BPL Jobs
Do you need a job? The Boston Public Library is hiring system-wide. They have MANY positions that need to be filled. The sooner we get the vacancies filled, the sooner we can look forward to a second late night, faster building repairs, and a less stressed staff!
Volunteers Wanted!
We are looking for book sorters, sellers, and program coordinators. Interested? Email: lgang2@comcast.net.
Library Donations
Thank you to everyone who purchased items from the Roslindale Juvenile Programming Wishlists! They are still open for anyone who would like to contribute to our Amazon Wishlist or Lakeshore Learning Wishlist.
Book Discussion Club: Bewilderment by Richard Powers
Wednesday, January 4, 11 AM – 12 PM (newly added meeting day and time!)
Thursday, January 5, 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Join Branch Librarian Jennifer Hawes to discuss on either January 4 or January 5 to discuss Richard Power's novel Bewilderment.
Hora de Cuentos en español con ConvoSpan
Sábados 7 y 21 de enero a las 11 AM
Edades 0-5. Disfrutemos de algunos juegos y canciones en español mientras aprendemos algo de vocabulario para jugar un poco de Bingo con ConvoSpan.
Online Race and Inclusion Book Discussion:
The 1619 Project
Saturdays, January 7, 21 & 28
9:15 - 11 AM (Morning) or 2 - 3:45 PM (Afternoon)
We will read Nikole Hannah-Jones's acclaimed book, The 1619 Project. In late August 1619, a ship arrived in the British colony of Virginia bearing a cargo of twenty to thirty enslaved people from Africa. Their arrival led to the barbaric and unprecedented system of American chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country's original sin, but it is more than that: It is the source of so much that still defines the United States. This book speaks directly to our current moment, contextualizing the systems of race and caste within which we operate today. It reveals long-glossed-over truths around our nation's founding and construction—and the way that the legacy of slavery did not end with emancipation but continues to shape contemporary American life.
The discussion will happen on Zoom and will be led by local educator Josh Frank. You can get the book from bpl.org or an online bookstore like Rozzie Bound, which has the book listed on the Friends "Black Histories and Futures" adult virtual bookshelf. The Friends will receive 50% of the proceeds from each book sold. You can find the virtual shelf here: https://bookshop.org/shop/rozziebound.
We will have two sessions with 20 participants each on the three dates. Times: Morning session at 9:15–11 AM and an afternoon session at 2-3:45 PM. To register, please email Roslindale Branch librarian Jennifer Hawes at roslindale@bpl.org. Please write "1619 Project Discussion" in the subject line when you RSVP.
- You only need to register once for all three dates, even if you may miss a date.
- Please choose the morning or afternoon time, and you will be registered for that same time for each date.
- Jennifer will register the first 40 people, 20 each, for the morning and afternoon groups. You will get an email if you are registered. If you are still waiting for an email from Jennifer, please assume that you still need to register.
Family Storytime
Saturdays, January 14 and 28, 10:30 AM
Children ages 0-5. Join Miss Celeste for stories, songs, and activities to promote early literacy.
Tech Goes Home Computer Class Series
Tuesdays and Fridays, 2 – 3:30 PM, Starting January 17
In partnership with Tech Goes Home, the library offers a 6-week computer class covering basic computer skills, including Gmail, Google Drive, and more. Participants who complete all six weeks (15 hours) of training receive a Chromebook to keep. Those who have no working computer and who are new to computers or who have limited technology skills are eligible for the class. Enrollment is prioritized for those 55+, but all in need are welcome to apply. Registration is limited. To register, call 857-342-2677 or email parkerdonnalynn@gmail.com.
Author Visit: E.B. Bartels
Thursday, January 19, 6 – 7:30 PM
Local author E.B. Bartels discusses her recent book Good Grief: On Loving Pets, Here and Hereafter, an unexpected, poignant, and personal account of loving and losing pets, exploring the singular bonds we have with our companion animals, and how to grieve them once they've passed. She will talk with animal photographer Traer Scott, the author of Puppy Life. Books will be available to purchase at the event. This program is in partnership with Rozzie Bound Bookstore.
Rozzie Reads Poetry and Open Mic
Roslindale House, January 19, 7 PM (Hybrid event)
Featured poets: Harris Gardner, Carla Schwartz
For the Zoom link, contact hguran@aol.com
Quirky Film Comedies: George Washington Slept Here (1942)
Monday, January 23, 1:30 – 3:30 PM
When Bill and Connie Fuller are forced to move out of their Manhattan apartment because of their pet dog, Connie persuades Bill to buy a dilapidated old Pennsylvania house that George Washington allegedly slept in. Directed by William Keighly and starring Jack Benny, Ann Sheridan, and Charles Coburn. 1 hr 33 min. Barry Marshall, Senior Affiliated Faculty member in the Visual and Media Arts Department at Emerson College, leads pre and post-discussion.
Quirky Film Comedies: A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
Monday, January 30, 1:30 – 3:30 PM
A letter is addressed to three wives from their "best friend," Addie Ross, announcing that she is running away with one of their husbands - but she does not say which one. Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and starring Jeanne Crain, Linda Darnell, and Ann Sothern. 1 hr 43 min. Barry Marshall, Senior Affiliated Faculty member in the Visual and Media Arts Department at Emerson College, leads pre and post-discussion.
Library One-on-One Tech Help
By appointment
Get assistance with basic computer skills or your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Stop by in person or call 617-323-2343 to make an appointment.
Meet Your Neighborhood Age Strong Advocate
Tuesday, January 10, 2 – 4 PM
Age Strong's Mary Sullivan will assist older adults with applying for city services and government benefits and connect them to programs and resources. Mary will return monthly on the second Tuesday from 2:00–4:00 PM. This is a drop-in program; no registration is required.
Knit/Crochet Circle
Tuesdays, 11 AM - 1 PM
Bring your projects and enjoy the company of other crafters. Crafters of all levels are welcome.
Elementary-Level ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Classes
Wednesdays, 12:45 – 2 PM
This class is for speakers of other languages who know some basic English and would like to learn more. Students will expand their vocabulary and grammar and practice conversation and writing. Register by emailing literacyservices@bpl.org or calling 617-859-2446. Please note that this is a class rather than a conversation group.
Online Spanish Conversation Group
Saturdays, 11 AM - 12 PM
A casual conversation for Spanish speakers of all levels. Email roslindalelibraryfriends@gmail.com to get on the group's email list.
English Conversation Group for Spanish Speakers
Thursdays, 12 – 1 PM, beginning January 12
Practice speaking English with other adult learners in an informal and friendly group setting. Registration is not required.
1,000 Books before Kindergarten
Reading to your baby right from birth promotes brain development. The more you read with your little one, the more prepared they will be when starting school. See Miss Celeste to register for the 1000 Books before Kindergarten program and earn free books and other prizes along your reading journey. For more information, contact Miss Celeste at: cchaudhri@bpl.org.
Homework Help
Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:30 to 5:30
Thursdays: 4:00-6:00
High school student mentors are available on Mondays and Wednesdays to help you with your homework. On Thursdays, a teacher from the Boston Teachers Union is available for homework help.
Anime/Manga Society
Mondays, 4 – 5:30 PM
Watch Anime, discuss Anime and Manga, and try some Manga drawing. For ages 9 - 14. No registration is required.
Baby/Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays 10:15 to 10:45 AM
Best for ages 0-2. Join Miss Celeste for a short book, bouncing songs, baby sign language, and many movement activities to promote early literacy.
Preschool Storytime
Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11 AM
Best for ages 3-5 - Miss Celeste will read two to three stories, sing songs, and do activities that promote early literacy and school readiness skills. Note: if your family includes multiple children, please pick one storytime to attend each week. Pick the one that works best for you and your family.
Tales for 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s
Wednesdays, 10:30 AM
Children ages 2-4. Join Miss Celeste for stories, songs, and rhymes to promote early literacy.
Lego Club
Wednesdays, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Ages 4 and up - Welcome to LEGO Club! Come build with the library's collection of LEGO and DUPLO blocks.
Kids Club
Thursdays, 4:30 PM
Ages 5 and Up. Each week Miss Celeste will read from biographies, folk tales, mythology, or chapter books. Reading will be followed by open-ended art, craft, or stem activities related to the book.
Explore and Play
Fridays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Best for ages 0-2 - Meet new friends and explore different stations full of sensory toys, including shakers, bells, and other noisemakers, blocks and magnates; play dough; tunnels and playmats. And more! This is an informal playgroup, so feel free to drop in late or leave early to suit your family's needs.
Memory Kits
Memory Kits are now available for public use. A collaboration between the City of Boston's Age Strong and the library, the kits are for use with those with dementia, memory loss, or cognitive impairment and are intended to stimulate conversation and create positive interactions between caregivers and loved ones. The kits can be loaned for two weeks with a Boston Public Library card. There are three themed kits: Arnold Arboretum, Pets, and Roslindale History. Each kit contains conversation cards, a journal for caregivers to share their thoughts and experiences, art supplies, information for caregivers, and an assortment of picture-based books, DVDs, and music CDs.
Thinking About Writing a Book?: The Publishing Landscape for Aspiring Authors
Thursday, February 16, 6:30–7:45 PM
Are you a first-time author with a book idea but needs help getting published? Few people who aren't seasoned veterans of the traditional publishing process understand how a book goes from a little germ of an idea you think up in the shower to a real, live, hefty object sitting on the shelf. This workshop, led by literary agent Sarah Khalil of Kneerim and Williams, will take attendees through the lifecycle of a book and how literary agents fit into that process, including tips on how to find one. Co-sponsored by Rozzie Bound.
Business Donations!
We can continue online programming during the pandemic thanks to recent donations from Google, John Hancock, and Bain Capital. We welcome donations large and small to help defray costs to keep us going. If you work with a company that offers donations and corporate matches to 501c3 nonprofits like the Friends, please consider contacting your human resources or external giving department and email us at roslindalelibraryfriends@gmail.com.
Amazon Shopping with the Friends!
If you are doing more Amazon shopping during the lockdown, please consider registering with our Friends' AmazonSmile account. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the Friends receive 0.5 percent of the purchase price year-round. There is no additional cost to the Friends or AmazonSmile customers. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for donation” on their product detail pages. The shopping experience is identical to Amazon.com, with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate that percentage to the Friends! The percentage might seem minuscule, but this adds up if you are a regular Amazon customer who makes purchases several times a week or month. Of course, if you want to donate directly to the Friends, you can do so on our donation page or become a Friends member. Every dollar and cent counts!
Online Resources at BPL.org
There are many ways to use the Boston Public Library during this period. You can sign up for a BPL library card at bpl.org/get-a-library-card to get an eCard. The eCard provides access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, newspapers, magazines, journals, databases, and other online resources, including OverDrive, Kanopy, and Hoopla. All you need is a computer, phone or tablet, and an internet connection to access these resources and then log in to bpl.org with your eCard or physical library card. The BPL is also offering a full listing of online services. Send your questions to ask@bpl.org. Please leave your gently-used donated books in any little library in the Roslindale Community Library Network.
Online ESL Classes
The BPL offers various online courses for those learning English:
- Beginner Class for Spanish Speakers, Fridays, 10:30-11:30 am
- High Beginner/Elementary Class, Fridays, 11:30am-12:30pm
- Intermediate Class, Wednesdays, 1-2:15 pm
- Advanced Class, Tuesdays, 1-2:15 pm
- Reading and Discussion Class, Thursdays, 11 am-12:30 pm
- Conversation Classes, Mondays, 3-4:15pm, Tuesdays, 5:30-6:45pm, Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm, Fridays, 1-2:15pm
Students can register by emailing literacyservices@bpl.org or calling 617-859-2446. They also have an online ESL Singing Class with the Back Bay Chorale, Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 pm, students can register at https://bbcboston.org/bridges/esl. The BPL is partnering with St. Mark Community Education Program to offer online Citizenship classes. The classes have already started, but students can sign up for the waitlist at https://www.stmarksesol.org/copy-of-classes-resources.
Museum Passes
The Boston Public Library also announced it is reinstating a version of the Museum Passes program, granting BPL patrons access to free and discounted passes to Massachusetts museums and cultural institutions. The library will add more institutions to the program as museums continue to open in Phase Three of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan. When visiting these organizations, patrons can call or visit their websites directly for more information on COVID-19 safety requirements.
Books of the Month
Each month, we feature themed booklists grouped for adults, teenagers/young adults, and children, and can be borrowed from bpl.org!
Books for Learning
If one of your new year's resolutions is to learn something new, here are some suggestions.
Books about the Immigrant Experience
Immigrant stories from memoirs to fiction.
BPL Staff Picks
Every month staff from the Boston Public Library recommend their favorite books for all ages across various genres. This list covers 2018-present. See our catalog for all staff picks, including titles in print, here: https://bit.ly/BPLStaffPicks. See our catalog for other formats or languages.
Words of Wisdom
"We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Sharing is Caring
The best way to know about upcoming offsite Roslindale library programs, special events, news, and renovation updates is to stay on this email list, like our Facebook page, and regularly visit friendsofroslindalelibrary.org and bpl.org. If you know anyone who would like to join our email list, please tell them to sign up on our website's homepage at friendsofroslindalelibrary.org. We would also appreciate it if you forward our emails and share and like our Facebook posts with your networks to help get the word out.
Support the Friends!
We are a volunteer-run organization. All the work we do for library programming, publicity, and building improvements is done with support from the community. There are many ways to support the Friends, like donating, becoming a Friends member, and even shopping on Amazon!
Contact the Friends
For information about the Friends, contact us. We also share information about upcoming events, photos from past events, and other library news on Facebook, and on our blog!
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