Books about Hispanic Heritage In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we want to highlight books by celebrated Hispanic authors and/or books about the Hispanic experience. All of these books can be borrowed from the Roslindale Branch Library. The branch also carries a number of books in Spanish. En honor del... read more →
Spanish for Travelers with Maria Conte Starting Monday, September 21 10am – 12pm Learn useful phrases in order to communicate basic information. Understand cultural customs, develop a basic understanding of weather expressions, time, color, numbers, seasons, transportation, useful verbs, and more. Please call the library to register. Free ($12 to teacher... read more →
Local educator Dr. Neal Gupta will host a three-month series on the History, Philosophy and Culture of the United States, starting in September. Find out more about the program here: Lecture - American History (1776) Roslindale Library September 10, 6pm David Polansky Concert - "Music through the Decades" Roslindale... read more →
September Library Events All programs take place at the Roslindale Branch Library and are free of charge unless noted. Call the branch at 617-323-2343 for more information. Fall Series on U.S. History Thursday, Sept 10, 6pm Join us for the first of this series, 1776:The American War of Independence. The... read more →