2017: The Year in Books
Did you miss any of our book lists from this year? Check out all of them in one place to catch up! They are grouped for adults, teenagers/young adults, and children, and can be borrowed from the Roslindale Library!
Books about Race and Inclusion
We created a special book list that is related to discussions around race, ethnicity, religion, and culture. This is a living book list and it will be updated regularly with new books.
Jump Start the New Year with Books!
Start the new year doing something new, whether you want to exercise more, learn to cook or take up a new hobby. Here is a list of books to help you keep your resolutions on target.
Books about African-American “Firsts”
In honor of black history month, we have compiled a list of books celebrating first achievements by African Americans that have led to major cultural shifts.
Books about Love and Friendship
Valentine’s Day is the one time of the year to show your love and compassion for people in your life you most care about. Check out this list that celebrates both romantic and platonic relationships!
Books about “First Ladies”
In honor of Women’s History Month, we have compiled a list of books celebrating first achievements by women that broke gender barriers and have led to major cultural shifts.
Books about Irish Heritage
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here, and we are celebrating Irish literary traditions. Check out this booklist that features literature either written by well-known Irish authors and/or about the Irish experience.
Books about Poetry
April is National Poetry Month, and we compiled a great list of books celebrating our favorite poets.
Books about Home and Gardening
Yes, it is still snowing out there, but you can still start thinking about getting back into your garden! Here is a list of books to offer advice on gardening and interior design.
Books about Asian Pacific Islander Heritage
May is Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Check out this list of books that are either written by Asian authors and/or written about the Asian-American experience.
Books about Motherhood
In honor of Mother’s Day, we compiled a list of books that are all about our relationships with our moms!
Books about LGBT Pride
June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. Check out this list featuring books either written by prominent LGBT authors and/or about the LGBT experience.
Books about Fatherhood
In honor of Father’s Day, we compiled a list of books that are all about our relationships with our dads!
Books about American History
Impress your friends and family at the July 4th BBQ this weekend with your knowledge of American history and civics. Check out this list of books on how America became America.
Books on Travel Writing
Summer is a time for travel and adventure. We compiled a list of books showcasing the best in travel writing.
Books about Caribbean Heritage
During this time of the year, there are many parades and festivals throughout the city celebrating the cultures of the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and other islands in the West Indies. Check out this list that features books written by Caribbean authors and/or about the Caribbean experience.
Books about Summer
Of course, we would have a list featuring books that take place in the summer! Whether you are looking for a beach read or a book to take on vacation, you will definitely enjoy this list.
Books about Hispanic “Firsts”
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins on September 15, we have compiled a list of books celebrating first achievements by Hispanics that have led to major cultural shifts, ranging from government, literature, sports, and the arts.
Banned Books Week 2017
The American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) promotes awareness of challenges to library materials and celebrates freedom of speech during Banned Books Week, which takes place this year September 24 – 30. Here are the top ten most challenged books as reported in the media and submitted to ALA by librarians and teachers across the country in 2016. Also, here are 50 other banned e-books you can download right now from the BPL’s OverDrive system.
Books about Gothic Horror
Check out our updated list of books featuring the best in gothic horror, as well as Halloween and Day of the Dead.
Books about Dogs
Dogs are a big part of the culture here in Roslindale. We created a list of books all about our furry best friends.
Books about Native American Heritage
November is Native American Heritage Month. Here is a list of books either about the Native American experience and/or books written by Native authors.
Books about Veterans
During this time of the year, we also give thanks to the men and women who have served in the armed forces. Check out this list of books either written by veterans and/or about their experiences.
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